VIDA Awarded Project - VV114 - Validating our industrial scale pilot design: From waste into high-quality fertilizers

Submitted by Ana Fernandes on 26 July 2021


7 January 2020 / 7 April 2020

VIDA Challenges:
Sustainable agriculture and efficient greenhouse management

SusPhos aims to produce high-grade phosphate products, such as market-known, high-quality fertilizers out of waste at a competitive price. The VIDA voucher supports us in the design (P&ID) of the pilot plant via subcontracting the experienced team of LPS BV. SusPhos developed a technology to upcycle phosphate rich waste streams into high-quality fertilizers according to market specifications at competitive prices. The innovativeness for our customers, green-house farmers, is that we can produce the same fertilizers they nowadays use, but from a sustainable source still for a competitive price. Unlike mined phosphorus materials, SusPhos material is 100% cadmium and uranium free. Moreover, it is free of trace medicines and viruses as low-end recycled phosphates can be (e.g. manure) and therefore offers a recycled, economically attractive product for a real market need. This will change the phosphate market, today based on fossil-sources, whilst also tackling the issue with recovered phosphorus-containing waste. The SusPhos process has been proofed on kg-scale, therefore it is time for the industrial pilot. With the VIDA voucher, we are able to validate our pilot process design by well-known chemical process engineers, LPS to optimize the translation of the lab information into an efficient, realistic pilot set-up.

SusPhos B. V.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement nº 777795.
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