Submitted by Ieva Arnite on 14 July 2022

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GEORGIA - on the way to a digitally mature country by adopting new ideas, technologies and products that help strengthen the spread of IT knowledge in various sectors.

Within the framework of the AUMENTA project, a trade mission was organized in April to the target country of the project - Georgia. The purpose of the mission was to give Latvian IT companies the opportunity to get to know the country's business culture, to attract the attention of new cooperation partners and to develop various cooperation opportunities by attracting local market experts.

During the three-day visit, the companies had the opportunity to meet with Ingrīda Lavenci, Latvian ambassador to Georgia, who shared her experience on the economic situation in Georgia and introduced the financial and banking sector, which is currently the fastest growing sector in the country. The delegation took part in an event organized by the IT cluster of Georgia, which was also attended by Enterprise Georgia and the Georgian Agency for Innovation and Technology's (GITA). After the event, Latvian delegates had the opportunity to talk with Georgian IT companies. A valuable meeting was held with the Georgia Technology Authority, which is the agency in the country responsible for all digital solutions introduced by the state, as well this agency is responsible for the development of various digital solutions for institutions subordinate to the ministries.

Linda Krasavina, Head of SQUALIO Partnerships, shares about the experience company SQUALIO had in Georgia:
“In Georgia, Squalio was previously a fairly recognizable brand associated with the licensing business. Recently, the work there was stopped, so you can say that this trip was our attempt to re-enter the market, but with a different offer to the market. We were pleasantly surprised that the market was ready for Squalio's new software management offering - we're back at the right time to present our solutions. In Georgia, we have strengthened relations with local partners, which gives us the opportunity to provide quality access to local companies, for whom our service will be valuable," says Linda Krasavina. "Squalio specializes in software management solutions that are tailored to each company, depending on its digitalization maturity. In Georgia, companies have already reached the stage when the development is so drastic that IT departments cannot keep up, accordingly, the solutions offered by Squalio that helps to control and optimize IT resources and costs are just in time."

Dita Rītiņa, Engine Reader's export project manager, shares the experience of the companies Engine Reader and Intelligent Systems during the trade mission trip to Georgia:
"Thanks to the trade mission to Georgia, Engine Reader and Intelligent Systems had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with companies that share the idea of using the latest technologies in construction machinery as well as fleet management. The trip made it possible to gain a broader understanding of the current market situation and the solutions available in it. As our offer is more technologically advanced and can provide greater cost reduction for companies, there was positive interest. As a result of the trade mission, it is expected to establish at least one cooperation in order to further promote our products in the markets of Georgia, as well as neighboring countries."

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