REC-N-COMP: Signature of a memorandum of understanding with the University of Southern California

Submitted by Robin Oddon on 09 January 2023


The REC-N-COMP project visited the University of Southern California in Los Angeles in October 2022. The visit was organised during the exploratory mission to the USA for SMEs in the sector of recycled materials-based composites.

During the visit of the M.C. Gill Composites Center, REC-N-COMP partners, Prof. S. Nutt, founding director of the Center, and representatives of the USC discussed their work about recycling in the field of composites. Both parties identified common stakes and topics of interest, and decided to engage in a long-term cooperation, and signed a Memorandum of Understanding in November 2022.

REC-N-COMP and the USC / M.C. Gill Composites Center agreed on several collaborating areas regarding composites and recycling for the next couple of years, including:

  • Developing links between the two parties through regular exchange of information and facilitate the exchange of information;
  • Facilitate access to technological innovations linked to recycled composites and sustainable materials:
  • Facilitate educational or mobility programs;
  • Cooperate on technological projects or services, and in national or international calls or programs.
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