PERCY - Danish Workshop held on 6 May 2021

Submitted by Dorte Bælum on 17 May 2021

Plast Center Danmark is Lead Partner on the international project: Partnership for PolymER ReCYcling, PERCY.

Within the frame of this project a cooperation focused on recycling of plastic and rubber and eco design has been established between 4 European clusters – the PERCY consortium.

It is the desire of Plast Center Denmark through participation in PERCY to pave the way for increased internationalization of the participating Danish companies both within and outside Europe's borders.

In January and February 2021 an online survey with good response rate from the Danish partici-pants was conducted.

This work has now been followed up by an online workshop on 6 May 2021, where 11 Danish companies participated.

In addition to presenting the results from the survey common internationalization interests were tracked through the online voting system: Poll Everywhere. Based on the results of previous desk research and the online survey the participating companies could vote on which of the following countries PERCY shall focus, when setting up a joint internationalization strategy: India, Indonesia, Israel, Canada or United States.

There was great interest in directing the joint strategy towards India, some interest in directing the strategy towards Israel and no interest directing the joint strategy towards Canada and USA.

The responses from the participating companies will serve as input to the future joint international strategy to be developed by the PERCY consortium.

Members of Danish Materials Network facilitated by Plast Center Danmark can by use of log-in view the workshop which was video recorded.

Cluster organisation
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