Nanoprogress presenting on education workshop "V4Clusters Go International - Theory meets Practice“ in Poland

Submitted by Lubos Komarek on 01 June 2017

Nanoprogress together with its Czech partners, CREA Hydro&Energy, CzechBio and Metal Cluster participated on the educational workshop on cluster management internationalization in Poland organized by the National Cluster Association. The cluster manager, Mr. Komárek explained to the audience how the participation in international projects and cooperation with other cluster organisations can get them far beyond their borders and bring them new possibilities and open new markets. Within his presentation he also stressed the importance of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative and improvement of the cluster management in order to give added value services to its members. The projects AdPack, #innodrop and Natureef were presented to the participants and many interesting contacts, points of view and ideas were shared during the event. Future collaboration was discussed and planned among the participants.

For more information please visit the official page of the event:

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