More than 30 leading brands in the kid's sector work together to detect the challenges and opportunities of designing packaging for future generations

Submitted by Serena Rebollo… on 19 May 2021

0513 - Foto Noticia
  • Internationally referenced companies such as Educa Borràs, Staedtler, Jovi, Mattel, Stikets, Oxford, Jumbo Diset, Abacus, Bimbo or MagicBox Toys Inc have gathered today in a session organized by KID'S CLUSTER in collaboration with the Catalan cluster of the packaging sector , and Sentinel, a manufacturer of products and packaging specialized in the kid's sector
  • Participants have been able to learn about the main trends and innovations in packaging detected in the report "The packaging of the future", discover the main myths of the sector regarding materials, sustainability and user experience, and detect the keys to designing a packaging strategy consistent with the values and objectives of your organization

More than 30 leading brands in the kid's sector have gathered today in a session organized by KID’S CLUSTER, the cluster of the children's and family sector. Together with the Catalan cluster of the packaging sector, the Packaging Cluster, and the Sentinel company, manufacturers of packaging and products specialized in the kid's sector, internationally renowned companies such as Educa Borràs, Staedtler, Jovi, Mattel, Stikets, Oxford, Jumbo Diset, Abacus, Bimbo or MagicBox Toys Inc have shared the challenges they face when it comes to thinking about more sustainable, customizable packaging designs that provoke gaming experiences and are reusable, quality and long-lasting.

During the session, the Packaging Cluster presented the 10 most relevant trends for the kid's sector out of the 23 that they have detected in their study “The packaging of the future”. The innovations presented by Àlex Brossa, director of the packaging cluster, fall within the three major macro-trends: sustainability, experience and safety. The attendees have been able to delve into the reflections and opportunities that awaken trends such as the reduction of plastics, rightsizing, the zero waste movement, minimalism, interactive packaging, gamified packaging, vintage 2.0 style, personalization, packaging for e-commerce , and digitization to improve forecasting, sourcing and rapid production.

In a dialogue between Anna López, director of KID’S CLUSTER, and Sentinel's expert team, attendees have been able to demystify some of the most deeply rooted beliefs around materials, sustainability and the user experience of packaging. The Sentinel team has clarified the different alternatives that exist to plastic and plasticized materials and has given keys and advice on how to approach the packaging strategy to create more sustainable designs that improve the user experience and, above all, that are aligned with business goals.

Per últim, els assistents han compartit debat i networking per posar en comú les tendències que tenen major impacte en els seus models de negoci, els reptes que tenen detectats com a empresa en el disseny del packaging dels seus productes, i les claus per seguir treballant des dels clústers per abordar les oportunitats que ofereix el disseny del packaging de les generacions del futur.

By last, attendees have shared debate and networking to share the trends that have the greatest impact on business models, the challenges they have detected as a company in the design of the packaging of their products, and the keys to continue working from the clusters to address the opportunities that packaging design offers for future generations.

Replicated from the KID'S CLUSTER article. More information here

Cluster organisation
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