Submitted by Guillaume Roux on 18 November 2021

mywai x_0

It’s late December 2018 when Knowhedge™- an innovative Open Innovation consulting boutique in Genoa, North West Italy- get in contact with Mesap Innovation Cluster and decides to join the first IoT4Industry call.
In parallel, Knowhedge’s submits to the Italian patenting office UBI, a highly innovative patent, named MYWAI™, “A secure data sharing method for distributing Artificial Intelligence to the edge through the networking of IoTsmart machines”, containing one or more Neuromorphic Computing (NMC) processors operating through networks governed by a decentralized blockchain register with smart contracts and machine to machine transactions”.
In 2019 the IoT4Industry Grant is finally awarded to Knowhedge helping to start the first implementation roadmap of the patent. The high value of the project resides in the new model to distributed AI algorithms, using “shallow learning” and chip based Edge Intelligence, embodying a new “Equipment as a Service” model.
Moreover the solution receives further grants from the “Brevetti Plus” initiative from Invitalia™, the Italian National Agency for Inward Investment and Economic Development owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and from Ligurcapital™, the public investment company of the Liguria Region.
Knowhedge decides to spin off a new startup named itself MYWAI™ SRL to develop Europe’s first Edge Machine Learning Operations (MLOPs) Platform dedicated to industrial machinery servitization. It acquires Zenatek™ SPA, a well-known local Industrial IoT System integrator with deep knowledge in Industry 4.0 and IoT integration skills, and in October 2021 opens a research center in the Silence Bay of Sestri Levante in the North West Italian Riviera, between Portofino and CInqueterre.
“After the very first push gained in the IoT4 Industry award we decided to build MYWAI SRL during 2020 and 2021, when the pandemics was hitting hard global supply chains and industrial set ups. We patented, designed and developed Europe’s first fully native Edge Intelligence MLOPs solution for Equipment as a Service, to help machine tool, robots and medical equipment builders to deliver their services to distributed industrial and medical machinery connected to the Internet by means of IoT sensors and digital cameras empowering time series fault analysis and visual inspection from remote service centers, over the Internet”, claimed Fabrizio Cardinali MYWAI founder and Co-CEO, during a recent interview at EMO 2021, the Italian Tool Machinery event for metal production.
“Suddenly, during the Covid pandemics, the world realized that in the age of Internet of (every)things it makes no sense to send maintainers every time your equipment breaks down, to ship spare parts once your machinery is halted or to ask customers to continue to pay systems when they are low in production” continued Fabrizio Cardinali.
“We have designed and patented the MYW.AI platform in the worst period for Industry over the last 100 years, to help machine tools vendors and users across the world embrace smart machines and robots servitization and we must thank MESAP and the IoT4Industry call to have thrown the very first snow ball to start such avalanche of opportunity for us!”.
You’d like to discover more? Get in contact with Mr Cardinali on LinkedIn @Fabrizio Cardinali

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