Humany wins open.innovation 2021

Submitted by Jan C. Rode on 01 March 2021


For the third time, the Logistics Initiative Hamburg held its "open.innovation" barcamp; this year for the first time in a virtual format. Th audience winner was Team Humany, which convinced the almost 60 participants in an online vote with its "Autobahn für Dankbarkeit".

In the course of the morning, teams spontaneously formed among the participants to work on topics such as freight transport by drone, gamification for logistics sales communication, emissions passport for logistics services, platform-less freight exchange and rapid process automation/artificial intelligence for logistics. The winning team - consisting of representatives from AEB SE and other members of LIHH - can now look forward to a quarter of support from the Innovation Natives, who are promoting the technical and business development of the idea with "Win a CTO".

Before a total of seven exciting pitches from the topic sponsors AEB, Breeze Technologies, CS Marketing Sales Solutions, Gesellschaft für Luftverkehrsinformatik, Graphmasters, HEC and Lufthansa Industry Solutions, last year's winners from the "Green Credits" team reported on how they fared in 2020. After developing prototypes in the summer, high-level talks with commercial enterprises could already be held in the fourth quarter of last year. Now the team is looking for more input from logistics to develop the idea further.

Afterwards, the participants had the opportunity to further develop the presented ideas in just under two and a half hours with elements of the design sprint method and to identify approaches for a quick implementation. "We experienced exciting pitches and congratulate the winners Humany. It is gratifying to see that the LIHH network is enthusiastic about shared innovation ideas, even in challenging times," says Prof. Dr. Peer Witten, Chairman of LIHH Management GmbH. "We are completely blown away. I'm looking forward to further collaboration," adds Hannah Eichhorn from the winning Humany/AEB team.

But the journey is not over for the other ideas presented either. Last year, for example, LIHH and the IT Executive Club continued to work on the idea of "Tradeinfo"; the cooperation will continue this year.

LIHH would like to thank:

the HEC GmbH, the main sponsor
the Innovation Natives, who are providing the audience award "Win a CTO
all participants
all topic sponsors, who have driven the topics forward with their commitment

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