GIVE Kick off meeting

Submitted by Anna Naydenova on 23 January 2018

In August 2017, GIVE European Strategic Cluster Partnership was approved for financial support by EASME. The partnership includes 8 clusters from three different industries (automotive, ICT and Green Technologies), 6 different countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Romania) and 2 European regions (South East Europe and Baltic). This is the first cluster partnership established mainly by organizations coming from the Balkan countries that is financially supported by the Commission.

Leaded by ICT Cluster, GIVE partners strive for:

●             creation of new value chainand favorable framework for establishing a sustainable cross-industry strategic cluster partnership(GIVE) in the field of green smart technologies focusing on automotive and transport sectors.

●             building common knowledge base for internationalization and marketing for cluster managers and SMEs members and establishment of strong links among GIVE partners and SMEs members.

●             building up sustainable strategic cluster partnership based on development of GIVE internationalization strategy and implementation roadmap.

●             promotion of a GIVE strategic cluster partnership on a European, regional and national level in order to extend the partnership in different regions and industries and to create links to other ESCPs.

The project has started in December 2018 but the official kick off will be on 24-25 January 2018, hosted by the ICT Cluster.

If you interested in project progress and implementation please follow us in the social networks:

Cluster organisation
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