GALACTICA first call for proposals results

Submitted by Josep Casamada on 06 July 2021

call for proposals final selection1

GALACTICA, which aims to demonstrate the viability of new industrial value chains regarding the textile and aerospace sectors based on advanced manufacturing across the EU, has the final list of projects selected for funding, with a total budget of 1.156.000€. All the selected proposals funded are being notified. 26 projects involving 40 SMEs selected for funding in the first Galactica Open Call!  

  • Orbital Projects vouchers.
  • 18 Pioneer Acceleration vouchers


The Call for proposals was addressed to the European SMEs and start-ups that plan to develop innovative solutions that could be part of cross-sectoral and cross-border value chains with two different funding lines.

The Galactica consortium, led by AEI TÈXTILS, has evaluated the 83 proposals received and select the best projects to be funded with grants of €20,000 for 18 pioneers and €100,000 for 8 orbitals. The evaluation has been carried out between May and June and now we can confirm the final ranking list.

Every funded proposal has gone through an in-depth evaluation process which included an assessment of the eligibility criteria and an external evaluation by a panel of 28 experts in each of the three fields of GALACTICA.

Each proposal was reviewed by independent experts (three for orbital and two for pioneer) that have applied the evaluation criteria, with a special focus on innovation, cross-sectorial and cross-border aspects.

Those proposals that have not succeeded in the 1st call, have another opportunity to improve and apply to GALACTICA’s second call for proposals. It will open in January of 2022 with 1.84 M€.

GALACTICA’s 1st Call for proposals had two different types of funding instruments, in the form of lump-sum vouchers, that are addressed to SMEs and start-ups with innovative solutions that could be part of cross-sectoral and cross border value chains in the relevant sectors.

  • Pioneer Acceleration voucher supports the exploration of new cross-sectoral value chains with focus on developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
  • Orbital Projects voucher aims to support the demonstration of new cross-sectoral value chains connecting the different sectors of GALACTICA with initial market tests of the products and services developed.

The GALACTICA consortium received 83 applications (43 in Orbital Projects and 40 in Pioneer Acceleration) and has selected 26 for funding. In total, those 26 projects comprise 40 SMEs from the textile, aerospace, and advanced manufacturing sectors coming from across 14 European Countries.

In terms of distribution by country, Spain is first in funded SMEs with 10 companies, followed by France (5), Portugal (4), and Germany (4).

Congratulations to all the winners!

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