First in Lapland: Arctic Development Environments Cluster gains Digital Innovation Hub status

Submitted by Paula Kassinen on 04 March 2021


The European Commission has approved the Arctic Development Environments Cluster as the first official digital innovation hub in Lapland.

Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are multi-stakeholder consortia that aim to accelerate the digitalisation of SMEs and the public sector in their area. DIHs offer services that support digitalisation, such as training, testing and trial services, financial advice and support for networking.

Digital innovation hubs are part of the EU's digital strategy to promote the competitiveness of European industry and the continent's carbon neutrality goals. The strategy aims to support the uptake of digital technology opportunities, new business opportunities and services, and sustainable growth and prosperity.

The Finnish Government Programme outlines the opportunities of the development and introduction of digitalisation, especially in the public sector. One of the goals of the program is to support digitalisation throughout the country and to develop it to serve business as well.

The services of the Arctic Development Environments cluster support Lapland's companies and public sector actors in the digital transition. With the national and international networking of digital innovation hubs, an even wider range of different services related to digitalisation are available to businesses and the public sector in the region.

– The status of a digital innovation hub is an important recognition of our development work. It opens up new opportunities for businesses’ development and efficiency, as well as for improving the accessibility and quality of products and services. We should now utilise the opportunities brought by the status in Lapland, says Mr. Raimo Pyyny, manager of the Arctic Development Environments Cluster.

Arctic Development Environments Cluster on the DIH Catalogue:

Arctic Development Environments Cluster service portal:

More information:

Raimo Pyyny, Mr.

Manager, Arctic Development Environments Cluster

Development Manager, Lapland University of Applied Sciences

raimo.pyyny (at)

tel. +358 40 555 8065

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