Final review of NE4HEALTH, a successful project for European SMEs in the field of printed electronics for health

Submitted by ROTARU Flaviana on 28 February 2022

Imagine Final NE4Health 220228 v2

The project NE4HEALTH - NEW EUROPEAN ELECTRONICS FOR THE GLOBAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING, concludes after 18 months on February 28, 2022.

The five partners had their last meeting to discuss the results of the project and the sustainability plan for the created network, on Friday, February 25, 2022.

All the indicators proposed by the project have been exceeded:
- A value chain analysis has been made at the beginning of the event
- Three market studies
- Three economic missions,
- An internationalization strategy,
- An implementation roadmap,
- A partnership agreement to continue the activities after the end of the project,
- A sustainability plan.

- 21 Networking events for the cluster members - workshops/matchmaking events/working group meetings
- 2054 Participants to networking events (clusters members and external)
- 843 EU B2B Meetings conducted during networking and matchmaking events (one of the business partners being a member of one of the project partner-clusters.

For all the 168 European SMEs which attended the three economic missions organized in USA, Israel, and Japan during January 2022, this opportunity has been a gate to international co-operations, to meet innovative early-stage technology entrepreneurs, to diversify their intervention markets, and to support the next generation of MedTech innovation in Europe. 377 participants attended and had 324 B2B meetings.

The NE4Health Project helped the EU participating SMEs to find a focus for strengthening and further building their businesses to more successfully bring their product or service to market.

About the project NE4HEALTH - New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing
The main objective of the NE4HEALTH - New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing, is to build up a partnership of world-leading clusters to configure a “European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International” focused on electronics (printed, embedded…) technologies applied to health and wellbeing sectors, and make EU SMEs on these fields better connected internationally.
The NE4HEALTH project consortium is formed by 5 European Clusters activating in the fields of electronics (printed, embedded) technologies applied to health and wellbeing sectors, which are aiming to enhance partnerships between clusters and their members and Third Targeted Countries Clusters (TTCs).
The five clusters partners in the project are:
- Functional Print Cluster - FUNCPRINT SPAIN -
- Organic Electronics Saxony - OES Germany -
- ROHEALTH - The Health and Bioeconomy Cluster in Romania, Romania -
- Interizon Foundation - INTERIZON, Poland -
- LETERA Cluster - Latvian Electronics and Electrical engineering cluster, Latvia -

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