DREAM and SILICON EUROCLUSTERS to build resilience and accelerate digital and green transition. MESAP part of the EUROCLUSTERS adventure!

Submitted by Serena Zerbinati on 14 September 2022


MESAP is glad to inform about its participation in 2 EUROCLUSTER projects, to help in the implementation of the European Commission’s New Industrial Strategy for Europe for building resilience and accelerating transition to green and digital economy.
The role of the clusters is significant, including business companies of different size, connecting all industrial players active in a specific industrial ecosystem, covering critical value chains in their or across ecosystems, with a broad variety of actors from smallest start-ups to the largest companies, from basic research in academia to commercial uptake of research.

The Euroclusters’objectives covers the following topics:

  1. Network for resilience to improve the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems by developing value chains interlinkages in the EU Single Market;
  2. Innovate for strategic autonomy to build capacity in the most critical supplies and technologies of their ecosystems;
  3. Adopt processes and technologies to reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy;
  4. Train to foster up- and re-skilling of the workforce whilst attracting talents;
  5. Go international to boost access to global supply and value chains.

30 Euroclusters, involving 171 partners coming from 23 different countries,
will develop the European Industrial strategy


Mesap is involved in DREAM EUROCLUSTER (strand DIGITAL) focused on digital and smart manufacturing. It aims at supporting clusters’ activities towards SMEs to speed up the adaptation of digital technologies and processes to transform manufacturing companies as greener and more digital.

The project is coordinated by Pôle SCS, and includes Pôle Mécatech, G.A.C Group and MESAP, all already partners in IoT4Industry project (2018-2020). The project represents in fact an opportunity to make exploitable and sustainable the collaboration and the experiences started in 2018, bringing the synergies beyond by including the Romanian cluster of Cluj IT focused in information technology field.

The main objective of DREAM will be to build resilience and accelerate transition to green and digital economy, to initiate, develop and maintain an EU-level long-term strategic partnership between companies (SMEs) from the digital ecosystems and the manufacturing domain. The aim is to stimulate innovation for strategic autonomy to build capacity in digital ecosystem, to reinforce transformation into a greener and more digital economy by deploying technologies and processes from digital ecosystem into manufacturing sector, to foster up- and re-skilling of the workforce in this ecosystem, to boost access to global supply and value chains.

à DREAM will put in place a cascade funding mechanism for innovation vouchers, to support the deployment of 35 projects from digital ecosystem into manufacturing context, for more digitalized sector, with a focus on efficient management of resources.

On 12th and 13th of September we had the Kick off Meeting of the project in hybrid mode (virtual and physical from Pole SCS headquarter in Sophia Antipolis, French Riviera) in which we outlined the objectives of the initiative, setting up a methodology to develop activities and have a clear role of the partners in a good team spirit.


The second project in which MESAP is involved is the Silicon Eurocluster project (digital ELECTRONICS) in the framework of the Silicon Europe Alliance that is an Electronic Based System meta cluster, representing more than 2000 companies and research institutions serving and driving business in the following fields of application: Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Health and Smart Industry. The Alliance members are leaders in digital technologies including Micro- & Nanoelectronics, Cyber Security, Photonics and Robotics.

Silicon Eurocluster aims at achieving greater European self-sufficiency, with increased competitiveness and resilience in the electronics value chain, focusing on the SMEs in the semiconductor industry. This strategic collaboration is enriched by the inclusion of the Bulgarian cluster ICT Cluster.

Silicon Eurocluster wants to place Europe in a leading position in development and production of Micro- and Nanoelectronics (key enabling technologies) by harnessing the teamwork of existing high-potential clusters in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Extending the collaboration among the clusters to a registered European cluster association will have a major impact on the global competitiveness of Europe’s electronics systems. The project ambitions provide direct support to at least 50 SMEs via financial support (25 green vouchers and 25 demo projects) & support them in internationalization, innovation, networking and training towards digitized and green.

On 7th and 8th of September, the Kick off Meeting of the project took place in virtual mode.

#Eurocluster #ECCP #DREAM #digital #SILICON #electronics



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