DIVA Recommandations

Submitted by Lydia Brunault on 15 October 2021

In the framework of the DIVA Project two open-calls devoted to support new emerging ideas of digital solutions for the Agri-food, Forestry and Environment sectors have been launched. As a result, close to 400 applications have been submitted, 134 projects gathering 180 SMEs
from 9 EU countries have been selected. Along the 3 years of the project many feedbacks have been gathered either form the DIVA
partners themselves or from SMEs. Moreover, in 2020, a satisfaction survey has been carried-out to collect more specifically information from DIVA voucher beneficiaries. It made it possible to draw conclusions and good practices. They cover both technical and
organisational aspects. They concern the cascade-funding scheme proposed under the EC Innosup funding system and the layout and organisation specifically adopted by DIVA. They also cover the lessons learned on the thematic covered by DIVA, namely digitalisation
in the agri-food, forestry and environment sectors. This document aims at listing all the feedbacks that have raised from the DIVA experience and produce recommendations intended to the European Commission with a view to improving future support mechanisms for clusters and SMEs.

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Cluster organisation
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