D.4.1: Strategic Dissemination Communication and Exploitation Plan (SDCEP)

Submitted by ROTARU Flaviana on 27 July 2021


The present D.4.1: Strategic Dissemination Communication and Exploitation Plan (SDCEP), lists all planned dissemination and communication activities, tools and channels, and matches them with target stakeholders categories and key performance indicators. This Dissemination & Communication Plan will be a reference framework for evaluating the impact of dissemination activities.
The deliverable introduces NE4HEALTH project dissemination and communication strategy and its implementation plan that to be used by the consortium to assure the maximization of the project’s impact, focuses on establishing and executing a realistic strategic dissemination, communication and exploitation plan of the project’s results, in line with the progress of the project and the utilization of appropriate tools, channels and actions to communicate with the targeted audiences in a defined timeline.
The Strategic Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan will separate 2 important aspects:
• Communication Strategy of the ESCP-4i in its execution period in Europe;
• Joint branding and marketing strategy and plan on each of the targeted Third Countries finally selected.
The project will interact very closely with stakeholders and external partners as this is of mutual benefit to the project. It is anticipated that external partners and stakeholders will serve as multipliers for the project’s results, enhancing the dissemination of results across sectors and countries, as it will be disclosed on this document.
Taking into account the above mentioned strategy, within WP4 of NE4HEALTH project, there will be developed and agreed by all partners, such a Strategic Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan of the planned and future project’s results, aiming through specific and well-planned measures, to achieve the maximum possible impact of the project’s results, widely and beyond the borders of the project’s partnership, including to other European Union countries and beyond, by involving other networks and projects to which the partners belong. It will include regional, national and European perspective involving policy makers, stakeholders, media, environmental associations, and general public.

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