Are you interested in learning new skills related to key emerging technologies in Defence?

Submitted by Mélanie Durth on 19 April 2023

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Currently, more than three quarters of companies in the EU say they have difficulties finding workers with the necessary skills, while only 37% of adults undertake training on a regular basis. The Defence sector is no exception.

The fast pace of technological evolution is radically changing the labour market. Design educational content for the workforce of the near future is essential.

The ASSETs+ project  (Alliance for Strategic Skills addressing Emerging Technologies in Defence) is a four year Erasmus+ project, built on close collaboration between Defence Industry, Sectoral Organisations, Higher Education Institutions, Vocational Educational & Training providers and Research Centres, with 30 partners from 8 countries and a broader ecosystem of stakeholders.

ASSETs+ aims to build a sustainable human resources supply chain for the European Defence Industry, that boosts innovation by both attracting highly-skilled young workers and upskilling its employees.

The ASSETs+ project is designing new courses that aim to provide trainees with new skills and knowledge related to key technologies that will be expected in Defence sector in the coming years, addressing the following main technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, C4ISTAR and Cybersecurity.



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