ACTTiVAte’s Final Conference at #DES2019. Madrid, May 22

Submitted by Carlos Romero on 05 June 2019

The Digital Enterprise Show (DES2019) has been the framework chosen by the European project ACTTiVAte to celebrate its final conference under the title ‘Fostering cross-sectoral technology transfer in Europe: Lessons and prospects from the European project ACTTiVAte‘ with the assistance of the most relevant actors and a selected number of companies funded by this initiative.

Digital Enterprise Show is a global expo with over 300 world’s top tech companies, Congress with 450 world’s best digital experts, and 21,000 visitors, who gather every year in Madrid to discuss how the digital changes the business, to acquire the crucial knowledge, skills and solutions to shape their industries’ future.

DES has been the framework chosen by the European project ACTTiVAte to celebrate its final conference.

The ACTTiVAte initiative, promoted by the European Commission (Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 691473), with a duration of three years (ends next May 31), aims to boost the development of business ecosystems integrated by innovative SMEs and in which the transfer of technology among different key sectors is favored.

The Consortium is composed by thirteen members, six of them are Cluster organizations (or similar enabler entities).These clusters have played a key role, from the identification of potential beneficiary companies, to the monitoring of projects and direct support to SMEs. Madrid Aerospace Cluster is the coordinator.

ACTTiVAte has contributed to the development of 50 cross-sectoral technology transfer projects, involving six participating countries (Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland and Poland) and four sectors (Aerospace, Agrofood, Health and ICT), with 1.5 million euros of direct financing to SMEs and an extra 4.3 million euros in Business Support Services such as information, training and networking / access to stakeholders…

All projects have achieved important progress in several fields linked to SME development mainly in relation to training, strategic skills development, networking and innovation process improvement.



Great success. Thanks to all!
Cluster organisation
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