Six Packs


How energising would it be to fully explore the ClusterXchange scheme set up in the fundamentals of our SMARTENERGY project?

How inspiring would it be to visit an R&D player in France, Hungary, Italy or Belgium? 

For now the well known virus doesn't let us meet eachother in person. Well then we try to make the best of it using the virtual spaces we have. 

The SMARTENERGY project set up Six pack training series on 4 different topics!

  1. Hydrogen technologies - starting on 17/02/2021 -  More info and register 
  2. Energy Communities - starting on 23/02/2021 - More info @Flux50 &  @TWEED and register
  3. Smart Grids - starting on 04/03 -  More info and register 
  4. Smart Buildings - starting on  12/03  - REGISTER

In 6 webinars each topic covers the value chain, specific technologies, important R&D players and SME's, workshops and meet & match session. 

Target audience: you!  

EU  energy R&D stakeholders (SME's, Research Institutes & Universities, Incubathors, Living labs, clusters, ...)

Click here for an overview of dates, programmes and more info for the 4 topics. 

Questions? get in touch with us:

Cluster organisation
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